Monday, September 14, 2009

Dye Project - Forgetmeknots, or maybe Faded Jeans

My latest dye project.

I had some fantastic feathery, papery ribbon yarn in silver which wasn't quite the right colour for what I was going to use it (my latest cardigan, pictures coming soon). I ended up using a different yarn for the project as it didn't dye the way I wanted it to as the yarn I used is from all artificial fibres so I knew right from the start that the dying process would be hit and miss. Also, I was using Procyon dyes rather than acid dyes, which makes it even more difficult. However, I love the new colour, which I am not quite sure why but reminds me of forgetmenots. It is a faded denim kind of colour and the various elements of the yarn dyed differently which gives it a lovely colour depth.

Below you can see the original silvery colour and next to it the dyed version.

Here's a close-up of the two yarn version side by side.

And here's a close-up of the dyed yarn by itself.

Yarn dying is so much fun and if you've always been meaning to try but weren't sure, do try.

I am still hankering after some natural dyes to play with....


  1. A very pretty shade and I'm looking forward to see the finished garment, too. Best wishes. Lesley


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