Monday, February 02, 2009


Finally, 'proper' snow for once. It's been snowing all last night and most of this morning. The schools are closed (to my son's eternal pleasure) and rather than doing fun stuff like finishing my handbag I'll be making cookies and possibly muffins... Oh well...

A view out of my backdoor:

Mahonia covered in snow - the bush is currently in flower. I love the contrast of the thick fluffy snow against the spiky Mahonia and its yellow flowers.

Here's my bay leaf - it looks almost like it's covered in icing!

And here's the view over my back garden.


  1. Your snow's deeper than ours, Sybille!

  2. Lovely pictures Sybille - our snow is so deep you can't see the plants any more!

  3. Amazing snow =}

    we are hopefully going to the mountains soon -its raining here but there should be loads of snow there.

  4. Lovely pics Sybille! (Our snows buggered off overnight...the gothettes were must put out!)

  5. snowing here today right now...won't last though-it's that wet, little snow :0((


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